Monday, September 15, 2008

What is The Rightful Form Of Church Government


In order for us to answer this Question we need to first identify where does authority reside within the Church. When we look at the early Church that began on the day of Pentecost and subsequently as the Church began to be established we see the appointment of Bipshops and Deacons as mentioned in Titus 1:5-7. The supreme authority that oversaw the whole Church establishment and affairs were the Apostles or the Elders at the Jerusalem Council that came together to decide on Matters pertaining to contravesies in doctrine and disputes that arose within the Church as mentioned in ACTS 15:1-29.

The Bishop or his representative which in the early Church meant the deacon usually consulted the local congregation in regards to their wishes and wants and sometimes permitted them a considerable amount of initiative in matters relating to the Church. Should there be disputes and matters that required further clarification then it was reported back to the Apostles.

We see here a Representative form of Government just like a Democracy where everyone reports to one another and each member can still exercise their rights and Privileges even as God has given each of us a free will to excercise our rights according to the word of God.

The problem I see in some Churches is when the Leader tells the congregation his /her plans and then finishes off by saying God has told me or I heard from God and when some member voice out their views we are told not to stand against the plan of God. This effectively kills off all valid Questions and the members rights are curtailed and I believe dictatorialism makes its presence in the church and Democracy takes a back seat.


Joe Iyathurai said...

very true, whatever form of church goverment choosen, as you have said leaders loose focus of the basic.

jeromeliew said...

I'm agreed when you said some leader of the church using God name to over ride people view, how can we address this issue with the leader?

Jonathan Tan said...

In your view, church government is democratic, means the elders, leaders or bishops are elected not appointed, this does not have support from Paul's theology because he appointed elders/bishops in the churches that he started, not elected by the local congregation of believers. Please reconcile.

Eunicelaw said...

if this model of Church Government is used then we need the power of Holy Spirit to choose the right leader. So that church politic can be minimize.

Raymond Marsden said...

To Jerome I say the only way to address this issue is to pray for them and wherever possible to get the church leaders to make them see the error of their ways.But most of the time it is difficult and sometimes they will only know their error when God humbles them in the eyes of the congregation.

To. Jonathan I say Please read my Blog carefully I said appoint leaders and not elect.The Democracy practised by Paul is quite diffirent now where they elect.

To Joe I say thanks you agree with me.

Freddie Ong said...

Hi Raymond,
Thanks for sharing your view. In other words, you are also saying like others that there is no perfect church. There are some who said that theocracy is the best structure but no one is actually defining that and clearly shows how it works accept that God is truly the governing authority. But my understanding is that due to imperfect humans there is no proper channel for God to untilize for carry out His perfect governing. My personal choice is congregational due too far too many past bad experiences.

Alwin said...

If the leaders always have to entertain the wishes and wants of the congregation, the church would be going in all directions.

Jason said...

Hi dear bro raymond,
i have always thought that the democratic principle never originated from scripture. i believe democracy is man's view on how things should be done. i however don't see this in the bible. perhaps you could provide
adequate scriptural support to show how Biblical is your view.Of course the bible says in titus the roles that the respective church leaders should play but then there should only be one head which is responsible or answerable to one God

Jonathan Tan said...

I share the view of Jason that democracy is not a biblical concept. Since there is no perfect church structure, I wonder what is the closest model that God desires us to have?

Jonathan Tan said...

Dear Raymond,

I hope you can access your blog now, otherwise, you cannot read my comments. You said; "The problem I see in some Churches is when the Leader tells the congregation his /her plans and then finishes off by saying God has told me or I heard from God and when some member voice out their views we are told not to stand against the plan of God." Isn't it the pastors/elders/oveseers of the church are supposed to be representatives of God or like prophets of old, the spokesman? I don't believe the Bible advocates democracy in any place.

jeromeliew said...

If the way of dictatorial leader is largely practice, and as you mention it can posed an unfavorable result to the church at times, what is your view to correct this method of government?

Freddie Ong said...

Hi Raymond,
I do have one more issue to discuss further on what i commented earlier. To me Theocrary is not trult a sense of "structure" but rather people in leadership of any governing model of structures allowing God's will and purpose to be carried out. In other words, the understandings and spirituality of the people about God and seeking Him before implementing plans in maning the church affairs. Therefore, it is beyond the word democracy. There is no perfect models as mentioned by you which I agreed but each model does serve the needs of the required congregations in different settings or circumstances.

Raymond Marsden said...

Thanks Bro.Freedie for your reply as you said congregational is still your best choice of church government, well I believe their style is closer to a democratic system as I believe in.

Raymond Marsden said...

Dear Jason thanks for your comments democracy actually started from the scriptures when God gave man a free will to choice for himself what is right and wrong.The democracy I mentioned is not about giving man absolute freedom but the views of everyone in the church is taken into account and there was a supreame authority that oversaw the whole church establishment

Raymond Marsden said...

Dear Alwin I did not say leaders must listen to every wants and wishes of the congregation but since God himself has given everyone of us a free will to choose between what is right and wrong then to some extent we have the right to express our views in the church.

Raymond Marsden said...

Dear Jonathan since God has given man a free will to choose between what is right and wrong it spells democracy to an extent.

Jonathan Tan said...

Dear Raymond, I don't think that Democracy is the Biblical form of church government, rather the covenantal Theocracy as shown in the Old Testament that God is truly our king and whoever rules on earth including the church, it must be an agent of God. other forms of church governments are permissible but not God-intended.