Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Church and Last Things

What is the bibilic understanding of the Church

According to the bible which we know as the word of God the Church is a body of believers whohave opened the door of their heartsand allowed Jesus to come in,to begin a relationship with him ( I Corinthians 12:12-14) and ( Rev.3:20). Though we are many members but we are one body the church which in Greek denotes a called out group.


Now to relate the Church as the temple of God we need to understand the concept of the temple in the light of the Old Testament scriptures. In the Old Testament temple we know that God was present beyond the veil in the Holy of Holies as the Shekinah Glory.

By the death of Jesus on the cross we know that the veil was torn from top to bottom and access has now been granted for the presence of God to now dwell in human hearts.

Hence the scriptures substantiates this in I Cor.3:16 " know you not that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells within you.

Therefore the church is made up of living temples indwellt by the Holy Spirit of God.


Alwin said...

Hi Raymond. In the Old Testament, the temple has got its functions in the community of worship; you suggested that housing the presence of Yahweh was the main role. Can you list some of the other roles and functions of the present temple of God besides being the indwelling place of God? Thanks in advance for your input.

Mike Leo said...

First of all, I am wondering what is the basis of your claim that the Church ("which church? Universal or Locale?) is the temple of the Holy Spirit?

Does this temple relate to the Temple of the Old Testament? Does this temple function similarly with the Chinese Taoist Temple?

When you say temple of the Holy Spirit, what do you actually mean?

Do you mean Holy Spirit will dwell in the Church? In what sense?

Pastor Janey Hii said...

Hi Raymond, it is a good start! When we preach to our congregation, we presume they understand but your classmates questions asking does the temple function similarly with the Chinese Taoist Temple?

Hmm...All the best when you reply...tho it is simple to explain but it boggles our mind to know that we actually depend on the HOly Spirit to open the eyes of understanding of our people to grasp what we are trying to tell them!

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Honestly it sounds very Zen. its asthough God lives in us and we are part of Him, Hinduism beleives that; and that in the end we can discover the little spirit of god that is in dwelt in us.

there has to be a fuller more complete understanding of who and what the chruch is right? there is too much in what the chruch is to have a one paragraph answer.

jeromeliew said...

Can you elaborate more about the term "living temple" being used that are made up of a church? Thanks.